When Is Crunch Time?

At Home On The Court

One of the things that Ben Raymond loves to do at his blog is answer interesting questions about volleyball using data instead of conventional wisdom. One of the topics we discussed along with Jim and Adrien has been crunch time. More specifically, when is it. For ease, in his apps we have defined crunch time as the a score after 18-18 (i.e. both teams above 18) with a difference of two points. This seems logical. One of the problems we encounter with this definition is that it happens so infrequently in actual games as to make the use of it in analysis and game planning more or less irrelevant. So he set about investigating the idea in more detail. You can read his original article on PlusLiga here (the charts that follow are taken from this article) and his article on other leagues here. You can read Jim’s article

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